The campaign raised the amount in less than two months. THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts!

ORIGINAL POST: You can see by the photo that this is one well-loved, well-used vehicle! Our Rotary friends in Stavanger, Norway funded the bus back in 2011, and we've kept it as well-maintained as possible, but it is definitely nearing the end of its useful life.
We started our "soft launch" in early March and several donors came through to the tune of about $8,500. We are so grateful! We started the public fundraising on 15 March with the intent to have enough raised to buy the bus for the 2019-2020 school year.
Many of our poorer students live farther out in the countryside, so the transportation to school is a lifeline. Although we defray costs of the driver, fuel and maintenance in the annual scholarships, every so often a project like this comes up outside our yearly operating budget.
A huge thanks to the Rotary Club of Stavanger, Norway for donating our bus 8 years ago. It has served the Cambodia Academy very well since then. However, a new bus will go a long way to further the safety of our students which is our utmost concern. Many thanks to all who donate to he new bus campaign!