Thanks to the generous people of Texas, the school received a powerful influx of scholarship and operating funds that will help us provide education and hope to more than 350 students!

Houston Mayor John Whitmire attends event and addresses the local Cambodian community
More than 250 members of the Houston, Texas-area Cambodian community and friends gathered for this special event, which featured a multi-course gourmet meal, traditional Cambodian dancing, and a lively auction led by actor and auctioneer David Born. The funds raised will go directly towards supporting more than 350 rural Cambodian children in grades 1-9 who otherwise would have no opportunity for an education.
The event chair was Molly Nipper, Ed.D. of The Kinkaid School. The organizing committee was Panha Mey; Sokchea Mey, MD; Katherine Walsh; Jill Noska; and Brian Howell. They all worked since early 2024 to ensure a successful event, and we are grateful to them!
Houston Mayor John Whitmire, a steadfast supporter of the Cambodian community, attended the gala and delivered opening remarks.
“Education is not just a pathway to knowledge, it’s a catalyst for transformation,” said Mayor Whitmire. “The Cambodian community in Houston is rightfully proud of its heritage and is generously providing the support to provide these rural students with the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to break the cycle of poverty and chart a course toward a better life for themselves and their families.”

The event organizing committee and board of directors extend special thanks to the event underwriters:
Platinum Sponsor
All Harvest Trading, LLC – Charlie and Diana Chea
Bronze Sponsors
Dallas Strings – Ron and Cary Gilbert
Sean Heng in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Kimhor Heng
P.S. Affairs – Pitsami Norm
Sokchea and Panha Mey
Rotary Club of San Mateo, CA in honor of co-founder John Barrett, Jr.
Katherine Walsh and Ron Noska
Winford Funerals – Victor Chan

Event photos are available
You may have noticed our board member and professional photographer Hank Henley at the event. He is the owner of Hank Henley Headshots and he graciously agreed to donate his time to photograph the event.
Photos are available for you to download: